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data.table equivalent of dplyr::filter_at

Consider the data:


vec1 <- c("Iron", "Copper")

vec2 <- c("Defective", "Passed", "Error")

a1 <- sample(x = vec1, size = 20, replace = T)
b1 <- sample(x = vec2, size = 20, replace = T)

a2 <- sample(x = vec1, size = 20, replace = T)
b2 <- sample(x = vec2, size = 20, replace = T)

DT <- data.table(
  c(1:20), a1, b1, a2, b2
) %>% .[order(V1)]

names(DT) <- c("id", "prod_name_1", "test_1", "prod_name_2", "test_2")

I need to filter the rows whose value for test_1 OR test_2 is "Passed". Thus if neither of these columns have the specified value, then delete the row. With dplyr, we can use the filter_at() verb:

> # dplyr solution...
> cols <- grep(x = names(DT), pattern = "test", value = T, ignore.case = T)
> DT %>% 
+   dplyr::filter_at(.vars = grep(x = names(DT), pattern = "test", value = T, ignore.case = T), 
+                    dplyr::any_vars(. == "Passed")) -> DT.2
> DT.2
  id prod_name_1 test_1 prod_name_2    test_2
1  3        Iron Passed      Copper Defective
2  5      Copper Passed      Copper Defective
3  7      Copper Passed        Iron    Passed
4  8      Copper Passed        Iron     Error
5 11      Copper  Error      Copper    Passed
6 14      Copper  Error      Copper    Passed
7 16      Copper Passed      Copper     Error

Cool. Is there any similar way to perform this operation in data.table?

This is the closest I've got:

> lapply(seq_along(cols), function(x){
+   setkeyv(DT, cols[[x]])
+   DT["Passed"]
+ }) %>% 
+   do.call(rbind,.) %>% 
+   unique -> DT.3
> DT.3
   id prod_name_1 test_1 prod_name_2    test_2
1:  3        Iron Passed      Copper Defective
2:  5      Copper Passed      Copper Defective
3:  8      Copper Passed        Iron     Error
4: 16      Copper Passed      Copper     Error
5:  7      Copper Passed        Iron    Passed
6: 11      Copper  Error      Copper    Passed
7: 14      Copper  Error      Copper    Passed
> identical(data.table(DT.2)[order(id)], DT.3[order(id)])
[1] TRUE

Does any of you have a more elegant solution? Preferably something contained in a verb like dplyr::filter_at().

like image 770
JdeMello Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 10:12


1 Answers

We can specify the 'cols' in .SDcols, loop through the Subset of Data.table (.SD) to compare whether the value is "Passed", Reduce it to a single vector with | and subset the rows

res2 <- DT[DT[,  Reduce(`|`, lapply(.SD, `==`, "Passed")), .SDcols = cols]]

Comparing with the dplyr output in the OP's post

identical(as.data.table(res1), res2)
#[1] TRUE
like image 90
akrun Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 20:01
