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New posts in data.table

Working with rich objects in data.table columns

r data.table

sum(.) on a factor column returns incorrect result

r data.table

Subset and replace rows and columns in a data.table

r data.table

Aggregate data table with column names as strings

r data.table

Use `data.table` to get first of subgroup based on a variable

r data.table

average by group, removing current row

r data.table

Speedy test on R data frame to see if row values in one column are inside another column in the data frame

Alternative of slower ifelse in R data table

Replicate values of column along rows

r data.table

Update values in specified columns based on external data table

r data.table lapply

How to use data.table to efficiently calculate allele frequencies (proportions) by group across multiple columns (loci)

r data.table

Expanding window (cumulative calculation) in data.table: how to improve performance

r performance data.table

Is there a performance advantage to multiple data.table assignments in one statement?

subseting with grep in data.table - unpredicatble

r data.table

R, data.table: How to assign values of some columns based on the names of other columns, which are stored in a character vector?

r data.table

Fitting different models to each subset of data in R

r data.table

Calculate `cumsum` by run of signal value

r data.table dplyr

Round to a multiple and filter in data.table

r data.table

R Data Table - join but filter with update

r data.table

data.table optimisation - conditional sum

r optimization data.table