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ordered grouping of rows in R

I would like to create a new column that sequentially labels groups of rows. Original data:

> dt = data.table(index=(1:10), group = c("apple","apple","orange","orange","orange","orange","apple","apple","orange","apple"))
> dt
    index  group
 1:     1  apple
 2:     2  apple
 3:     3 orange
 4:     4 orange
 5:     5 orange
 6:     6 orange
 7:     7  apple
 8:     8  apple
 9:     9 orange
10:    10  apple

Desired output:

    index  group id
 1:     1  apple  1
 2:     2  apple  1
 3:     3 orange  1
 4:     4 orange  1
 5:     5 orange  1
 6:     6 orange  1
 7:     7  apple  2
 8:     8  apple  2
 9:     9 orange  2
10:    10  apple  3

dplyr attempt:

dt %>% group_by(group) %>% mutate( id= row_number())
# A tibble: 10 x 3
# Groups:   group [2]
   index group     id
   <int> <chr>  <int>
 1     1 apple      1
 2     2 apple      2
 3     3 orange     1
 4     4 orange     2
 5     5 orange     3
 6     6 orange     4
 7     7 apple      3
 8     8 apple      4
 9     9 orange     5
10    10 apple      5

How can I edit this to get the first group of apples as 1, then the first group of oranges as 1, then the second group of apples as 2 etc (see desired output above). Also open to data.table solution.

like image 940
pyne Avatar asked Jan 27 '23 01:01


2 Answers

dt[, id := cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(index) > 1)), by="group"]
#     index  group id
#  1:     1  apple  1
#  2:     2  apple  1
#  3:     3 orange  1
#  4:     4 orange  1
#  5:     5 orange  1
#  6:     6 orange  1
#  7:     7  apple  2
#  8:     8  apple  2
#  9:     9 orange  2
# 10:    10  apple  3

Starting from original dt:

dt %>%
  group_by(group) %>%
  mutate(id = cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(index) > 1))) %>%
# # A tibble: 10 x 3
#    index group     id
#    <int> <chr>  <int>
#  1     1 apple      1
#  2     2 apple      1
#  3     3 orange     1
#  4     4 orange     1
#  5     5 orange     1
#  6     6 orange     1
#  7     7 apple      2
#  8     8 apple      2
#  9     9 orange     2
# 10    10 apple      3

Base R, perhaps a little clunky:

out <- do.call(rbind, by(dt, dt$group,
                         function(x) transform(x, id = cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(index) > 1)))))
#          index  group id
# apple.1      1  apple  1
# apple.2      2  apple  1
# orange.3     3 orange  1
# orange.4     4 orange  1
# orange.5     5 orange  1
# orange.6     6 orange  1
# apple.7      7  apple  2
# apple.8      8  apple  2
# orange.9     9 orange  2
# apple.10    10  apple  3

The names can be removed easily with rownames(out) <- NULL. The order part isn't necessary, but I wanted to present it in the same order as the other solutions, and do.call/by does not preserve the original order.

like image 65
r2evans Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 15:01


Another option using data.table::rleid twice:

dt[, gid := rleid(group)][, id := rleid(gid), .(group)]
like image 42
chinsoon12 Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 14:01
