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New posts in data.table

How to compare if any of the elements in a row is same

r data.table

Faster equivalent to group_by %>% expand in R

Combining split() and cumsum()

r plyr data.table

Converting a dataframe from "wide" format to "long" format in R

r dataframe data.table reshape

R data.table fread command : how to read large files with irregular separators?

r sed data.table read.table wc

Load a table from wikipedia into R

xml r html-parsing data.table

Join tables based on multiple ranges in R

r dplyr data.table purrr

Fastest way of joining 2 data tables while summarising the data in one of them

r join data.table

How I can take mean for different subsets of a specific column in a data.table?

r dataframe dplyr data.table

Error while merging data frames using "data.table" package

r merge dataframe data.table

Select max of absolute value for each numeric column by a grouping column in data.table or dplyr

r data.table dplyr

Cumulative sums over run lengths. Can this loop be vectorized?

ifelse function group in group in R

scale in data.table in r

r data.table scale

Subsetting string column in datatable using positions from another column

r data.table stringr

Identify groups of n consecutive numbers in a data.table field in a group

r data.table

":=" changes another data.table [duplicate]