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New posts in data.table

parse out string, set it as a factor column in R data.table

r data.table

Mystery: Why does the as.character() function in a data.table run faster if I add and subtract another variable?

r data.table

Create a series of new columns with (d)plyr

r data.table plyr dplyr

How to calculate count by group, then keep only one per group

r merge data.table aggregate

Determine whether column values are unique in data.table

r data.table

Vectorize data.table like, grepl, or similar for big data string comparison

r data.table

R data.table: (dynamic) forward looking Cross-Joins

r data.table cross-join

incremental counter within dataframe only when a condition is met in r

r data.table counter

Test two columns of strings for match row-wise in R

regex r data.table

left outer join with data.table with different names for key variables

r data.table

Running Sum in R data.table [duplicate]

r data.table

Adding a seasons column to data table based on month dates

r data.table

R - Removing the first and last character of a every factor in a data.table

r data.table

R: Aggregating History by ID and By Specified Data

r data.table dplyr

Subset by multiple ranges [duplicate]

r range data.table subset

convert lists of values in a string, separated by two different delimiters, into separate rows

r string data.table

Efficiently Populate Mean Alongside Values in R [duplicate]

Generate rows between two dates into a data frame in R [closed]

r data.table

Number of non-NA records by column, grouped

r data.table

R data.table "by" for "i"

r data.table