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New posts in data.table

data.table::fread an `integer64` type, manually override colClass for only one column

r data.table

Match records immediately before and after time range

r dplyr data.table lubridate

How to sort a data.table based on a set of inequality constraints?

r sorting data.table

data.table equivalent of tidyr::complete with group_by with on and by syntax

r group-by data.table tidyr

how to decide the longest continuous sequence in a long sequence in r

r data.table

Is there an optimal way to create a bunch of new columns with data.table?

r data.table

How to calculate percentile with group by?

r data.table percentile

Applying an aggregate function over multiple different slices

r aggregate data.table

expression syntax for data.table := in R

r expression eval data.table

scaling a subset of columns of data.table in R

r data.table

A reshape puzzle in data.table

r data.table reshape

unique.data.table select last row in place of the first

r data.table

data.table: Update multiple columns in a data.table with a matrix

r matrix data.table

data.table get N most frequent values by group

r data.table

Normalize each row of data.table

R search in multiple datatable columns

r dataframe data.table

sum columns values in data.table in r using .SDcols [duplicate]

r data.table

Subsetting a data.table in a for loop is slower and resource hungry

Subset and aggregate an original data.table based on a different column

r data.table

Assigning/Referencing a column name in data.table dynamically (in i, j and by)

r data.table