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New posts in culture

Binding en-GB dates in a HTTP GET

How to compare characters (respecting a culture)

c# comparison char culture

C# double.TryParse with InvariantCulture returns unexpected result

c# .net parsing double culture

Is it possible to make a date datatype accept 13 as a month and 30 for all months?

.net calendar culture

ASP.Net MVC3 Modify culture for date and decimal through or not Visual Studio?

How to find the default dateformat of a Culture

c# culture currentculture

Pandoc: setting language of exported Word docx

IndexOf and ordinal string comparisons

When parsing datetime into month day with English culture, it is still parsed in Turkish language

Receiving an Arabic datetime error in asp.net

c# datetime calendar culture

TryParse equivalent of Convert with invariantculture

c# culture tryparse

What is LCID 127?

asp.net culture lcid

What is a String Culture

How do I detect the user's locale to get the correct csv separator?

.net c++-cli locale culture

Localized tables and Entity Framework

Get just the hour of day from DateTime using either 12 or 24 hour format as defined by the current culture

Best practices for a single large SVN project

CultureInfo For Swedish

c# asp.net culture

Where does the default culture get set in a .NET application

c# .net culture

JavaScript: Culture-independent case-insensitive string comparison