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New posts in culture

Convert number into culture specific

SHIFT Shortcut being displayed as MAJ for culture "nl-BE" when it should be SHIFT (C#.NET)

CultureInfo and ISO 639-3

c# .net cultureinfo iso culture

How to retrieve a list of all enabled languages for the EPi Server website programmatically?

Finding the end of a substring match in .NET

.net unicode string culture

How do I render only some specific model-fields with an InvariantCulture, while the rest keeps using the users culture?

c# : In a dotnet class is there a property that states if the "Current" culture is actual the default culture?

What is .NET assembly culture?

how to uppercase date and month first letter of ToLongDateString() result in es-mx Culture?

Loop through embedded resources of different languages/cultures in C#

Persian Calender in MVC , Asp.net

Can you get culture info string in javascript just like in .NET? [duplicate]

Cultural issues in programming languages [closed]


Change UI culture in WinRT

String.FormatException with DateTime in non US Culture

c# datetime culture

Problem comparing French character Î

c# string compare culture

C#: Unit Test to Differentiate CurrentCulture from InvariantCulture

c# unit-testing culture

Processing of mongolian names

NUnit, testing against multiple cultures

nunit culture