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New posts in culture

.NET - Canadian DateTime Format Bug

c# .net datetime culture

AED (د.إ ) currency symbol usage issue. It moves to left

How to solve this Exception "Culture is not Supported"?

asp.net culture

.NET Culture change event?

.net culture

Why comparing two equal persian word does not return 0?

asp.net mvc where to set default culture?

Why some cultures round currency decimals by default?

c# .net culture string.format

Setting current culture for entire solution

c# multilingual culture

Change the culture of voice to other languages

case insenstive string replace that correctly works with ligatures like "ß" <=> "ss"

.NET Task executed in one Thread

c# asp.net .net-4.0 task culture

DateTime.ToString("d", cultureInfo) output differs between IIS and console app

How to create a 13 month moon based Calendar in .net

Are date strings in VB6 relative to machine culture?

datetime vb6 culture

C# Set specific culture for class

Convert Unicode string made up of culture-specific digits to integer value

can I get the text direction from the culture code?

<system.web> globalization in .net core

Parsing numbers from different cultures in C#

c# culture

Get-Help about* doesn't work on non-English system