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New posts in culture

UI design and cultural sensitivity/awareness [closed]

Why do I get, "Culture is not supported" and What, if Anything, Should I Do about it?

creating custom CultureInfo for country, language combination

What is the best way to compare two CultureInfo instances?

.net cultureinfo culture

Globalize.js - how to parse date and time rather than just date

Code Analysis/FxCop CA1726:UsePreferredTerms showing Cancelled as Deprecated

TextBox doesn't honor System Decimal (Dot or Comma)

Is Culture in C# equivalent to Locale in Java?

c# java locale culture

Debug.WriteLine() versus Console.WriteLine() handles culture differently. Why?

C# float.tryparse for French Culture

c# culture

How to force English keyboard in android EditText

android keyboard culture

If you have an application localized in pt-br and pt-pt, what language you should choose if the system is reporting only "pt" code?

Formatting number in European format with two decimals

Need to have date mask depending on the culture in jquery

How to change culture to a DateTimepicker or calendar control in .Net

Get CultureInfo object from country name or RegionInfo object

c# asp.net culture region

Parse DateTime in c# from strange format

Why is the culture name for English (Caribbean) "en-029"?

c# .net culture cultureinfo

.NET How to compare two Strings that represent filenames ignoring case correctly

Double.Parse - Internationalization problem