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New posts in csproj

Visual Studio doesn't load project references

Dynamically compile a class in App_Code while pre-compiling the rest of the project/library

Why are my .csproj files getting messed up after a git rebase?

.net git git-rebase csproj

How to copy files to output directory from a referenced NuGet package in .NET Core csproj?

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What is the difference between "none include" and "none update" in SDK-style csproj projects?

Partial .csproj Files

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Conditional Content Based Upon Configuration

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How to pack an additional symbols.nupkg with new csproj VS2017

MS-Build BeforeBuild not firing

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Can I use both wildcard and Link element inside the Compile element?

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Visual Studio Code doesn't update .csproj file

visual-studio-code csproj

Remove project from visual studio solution

Visual Studio 2017 csproj core file exclusion

How do I test for compiler directives with an MSBuild Condition in a .csproj file?

How to use a custom attribute on an assembly in .NET Core 1.1

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Visual Studio 2017, use new style csproj by default when creating new projects

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Reusable PropertyGroup elements in a csproj file

How do you set NuGet contentFiles CopyToOutput to true when using a .NET Standard library .csproj?

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How to make Sonarqube exclude a .NET (C#) project from coverage measures

Why does Visual Studio prevent me from seeing the .csproj file, and is there a way to force it open?