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New posts in csproj

Targeting both .NET 3.5 and Silverlight

How to Set AutoGenerateBindingRedirects in Visual Studio for Mac?

.net core (csproj) global.json 'projects' equivalent

How do I include DLLs in my .csproj file?

What does Microsoft.Common.props do

c# msbuild csproj

XPath and *.csproj

c# xpath csproj

How to read property value from external file?

Create a custom powershell script for nuget that adds a custom target to the csproj BeforeBuild step

DefineConstants in addition to existing ones in csproj

msbuild csproj

Visual Studio 2015: An equivalent project is already present in the project collection

In Visual Studio (2008) is there a way to have a custom dependent file on another custom file?

Checking Visual Studio projects for consistency

How do I use Powershell to add/remove references to a csproj?

How can I prevent external MSBuild files from being cached (by Visual Studio) during a project build?

Failed to compute cache key: ".csproj" not found

What is the AppDesignerFolder used for in a csproj file?

.net csproj

The file could not be added to the project. This file is within the project directory tree error

dotnet core 2 long build time because of long restore time

How to conditionally reference a DLL based on a compilation symbol?

How to get rid of StyleCop

c# stylecop csproj