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New posts in cpu

Can the simple decoders in recent Intel microarchitectures handle all 1-µop instructions?

get CPU usage for process by PID (top source code)

macos cpu pid

What's more costly on current CPUs: arithmetic operations or conditionals?

Least CPU intensive loop

performance cpu autoit

Vector of 64-bit double faster to dot-product than a vector of 32-bit unsigned int?

How does an OS communicate with the CPU? [closed]

operating-system cpu

What does the processor do while waiting for a main memory fetch

Calculating the Overflow Flag in an ALU

logic vhdl cpu

How to choose correct number of threads for C++ multithread application?

Why does my R uses all CPU cores when running functions like step()?

Number of CPU cores for parallel stream Java 8

Can two fuseable pairs be decoded in the same clock cycle?

DispatcherTimer eating up CPU over time causing WPF visual not rendering properly

c# wpf cpu dispatchertimer

Retrieve system information on Mac OS X [closed]

c++ macos networking memory cpu

who or how changes processor modes, CPU states, CPU privilege levels?


Is kernel a special program that executes always? and why are these CPU modes?

operating-system kernel cpu

Intel HAXM not supported in Windows 8

cpu virtualization intel

Which architecture to call Non-uniform memory access (NUMA)?

How 32 bit IR hold load instruction?(RISC style 32bit architechture)

std::chrono::clock, hardware clock and cycle count

c++ time cpu benchmarking chrono