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New posts in cpu-architecture

What is the difference between a store queue and a store buffer?


why 32 bit drivers do not work on 64 bit

XMM Registers Total or Per Core

How does the indexing of the Ice Lake's 48KiB L1 data cache work?

Is there a compiler flag to indicate lack of armv7s architecture

Understanding how `lw` and `sw` actually work in a MIPS program

Differences between RISC-V and others ISAs

Is C++ considered a Von Neumann programming language?

What's the size of a QWORD on a 64-bit machine?

Detecting architecture at compile time from MASM/MASM64

What is the benefit of the MOESI cache coherency protocol over MESI?

What is a CPU thread and how is it related to logical threads in code?

cisc versus risc

cpu cpu-architecture

Why do we need to compile for different platforms (e.g. Windows/Linux)?

How is PCI segment(domain) related to multiple Host Bridges(or Root Bridges)? [closed]

How does the CPU do subtraction?

Any reason to use BX R over MOV pc, R except thumb interwork pre ARMv7?

How to divide by 9 using just shifts/add/sub?