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New posts in cordova-plugins

Cordova Plugin not working

How to detect device rotation in Cordova?

get Connection Strength in Phonegap

Open Camera or Gallery from " inappbrowser " in Apache Cordova

Product state is always "invalid" (using Cordova Plugin Purchase)

How do I implement Campaign tracking with Cordova?

xmlns:tools namespace attribute not reflecting in plugin Element

cordova-plugin-media callback methods

Android Cordova 5.0+ Camera crash

Is it possible to generate digital signatures in Phonegap/Cordova App?

iOS In-app purchase nightmare

cordova-plugin-contacts-Not get all event dates

cordova, Firebase, FCM Plugin - Not showing notifications in notification bar on iOS

Ionic Cordova Camera Upload File using XHR instead of File Transfer Plugin

cordova.file is undefined for windows / wp8

How to change android local notification icon in ionic?

How to create a separate directory for cordova app and storing data in it?

how to handle onNotification event in ngCordova push plugin

What thread to use for Cordova plugin callback?

How to add android:allowBackup="false" via cordova plugin