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New posts in convention

What is the Java convention for using get methods inside other methods of the same class?

Java naming convention for a class with version in its name?

java version naming convention

Python - what's your conventions to declare your attributes in a class?

Why single element tuple is interpreted as that element in python?

Did `if ( x = 0 )` was ever Java compilable

Python - most convenient way to define constant variables used just once [closed]

Why Haskell's `fst` and `snd` have such a short (strange) names? [closed]

function haskell convention

Why do 3 digit hex css colors convert to 6 the way they do?

css styles convention

AngularJS convention for multiple files [closed]

Type constrained open generics do not work with RegistrationBuilder

is it acceptable to use ThreadPool in a library?

c# threadpool convention

Python convention: should I normally call the super class' __init__?

python class convention

Where should I place a Python package's demo script?

Are there Rust variable naming conventions for things like Option<T>?

variables rust convention

Convention for generic and non-generic types with same name

c# generics convention

DB::table Vs Eloquent Model - Laravel Database Seed

Difference between using self and not using self in Swift init

Refactoring inner loops with lots of dependencies between levels

Gulp.js conventions for tasks names

Is It A Bad Practice to List Ruby Version in Both Gemfile and .ruby-version Dotfile?