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Git - do not listen to commands in nested dirs

git dotfiles

Terminal Mathias’s dotfiles .functions

terminal dotfiles

What is a proper way to pass a parameter to Set-Alias in powershell?

powershell alias dotfiles

vim - how to remove netrw?

macos vim dotfiles netrw

Building a graph of the structure of an XML document

python xml graph lxml dotfiles

An executable that contains data

haskell dotfiles

Using bash to automate dotfiles

bash unix dotfiles

How can I log IPython's output without the ugly 7 lines of logging-info on every load?

Regex to catch all files but those starting with "."

regex dotfiles

Getting ack to search through .htaccess or other dotfiles

perl .htaccess ack dotfiles

Avoiding merge conflicts when merging master into per-host customized branch

git dotfiles

Putting .vimrc in vimfiles directory

How do I track "dot" configuration files in my home directory with git?

Add newline after output of every bash command

bash dotfiles

Keeping shell configurations in sync across multiple machines

Which IntelliJ config files should I save in my dotfiles?

intellij-idea dotfiles

Can I change the input color of my Bash prompt to something different than the terminal default? [closed]

linux bash unix dotfiles

Is It A Bad Practice to List Ruby Version in Both Gemfile and .ruby-version Dotfile?