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New posts in conditional-operator

Conditional function in APL

ternary expression in ng-click in angularjs

Odd Java ternary behavior when assigning value. What is Java doing behind the scenes for this to happen?

Unexpected output using Pythons' ternary operator in combination with lambda

Existential conditional assignment operators in Coffeescript

How exactly does the ?: operator work in C?

Does haskell have a conditional operator such as "x == y ? a : b" in C++ or ifelse(x==y, a, b) in R?

Why is Swift's ternary operator so picky about whitespace?

getting error: cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'int'

Ternary operator with branches with void type

"Most important const" with conditional expression?

c++ conditional-operator

Javascript use single await in ternary operator

Ternary operator without the middle expression

How to use Java Optional to elegantly replace Ternary operators

What is the difference between using '&&' and '||' over a ternary operator ('?' and ':')?

Why is a ternary operator with two constants faster than one with a variable?

Type result with conditional operator in C#

conditionally adding a element in a array

How can I apply style to a div based on condition in thymeleaf?

Using conditional operator in lambda expression in ForEach() on a generic List?