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Existential conditional assignment operators in Coffeescript

When reading the Coffeescript documentation, I was confused by the scant documentation on existential operators. The documentation states

It (?=) can also be used for safer conditional assignment than ||= provides, for cases where you may be handling numbers or strings.

What is the difference between the ?= and ||= operator and when should one be used versus the other?

like image 451
Andrew Mao Avatar asked Mar 26 '13 23:03

Andrew Mao

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1 Answers

? and || check entirely different (but overlapping) conditions.

The || operator works exactly the same way as it does in JavaScript so things like 0 and '' are falsey as far as || is concerned; || checks truthiness in the JavaScript sense.

The ? operator is converted to == null in the JavaScript so a ? b is only b when a is null or undefined; ? checks definedness in the CoffeeScript sense.

Consider these:

for v in [false, 0, '', null, undefined, 6]
    do (v) ->
        a = v
        a ||= 'pancakes'
        console.log("#{v} ||= 'pancakes':", a)

for v in [false, 0, '', null, undefined, 6]
    do (v) ->
        a = v
        a ?= 'pancakes'
        console.log("#{v} ?= 'pancakes':", a)

The first loop will give you five pancakes and one 6, the second loop will give you a false, 0, '', two pancakes, and a 6.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/PdLDe/1/

So if you only want JavaScript-style behavior (i.e. 0, false, and '' are to be ignored) then you probably want ||=. If you only want to skip over null and undefined then you want ?=.

like image 59
mu is too short Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10

mu is too short