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Does haskell have a conditional operator such as "x == y ? a : b" in C++ or ifelse(x==y, a, b) in R?

Does haskell have a conditional operator that performs as

x == y ? a : b

in C++ or

ifelse(x==y, a, b)

in R ?

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daj Avatar asked Apr 24 '15 14:04


People also ask

Which is the conditional operator used in C?

We use the ternary operator in C to run one code when the condition is true and another code when the condition is false.

Which is an conditional operator?

The conditional operator (? :) is a ternary operator (it takes three operands). The conditional operator works as follows: The first operand is implicitly converted to bool . It is evaluated and all side effects are completed before continuing.

Does Haskell have ternary operator?

With a bit of work, we can define a ternary conditional operator in Haskell.

What is Haskell operator?

Haskell provides special syntax to support infix notation. An operator is a function that can be applied using infix syntax (Section 3.4), or partially applied using a section (Section 3.5).

3 Answers

Apart from if or Data.Bool.bool, which do indeed just what you want, you can also define such an operator yourself in Haskell!

infixr 1 ?
(?) :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
(True ? a) _ = a
(False ? _) b = b

GHCi> 3==2 ? "equal" $ "nonequal"
GHCi> 3==3 ? "equal" $ "nonequal"

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leftaroundabout Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


Haskell's if performs exactly as you want.

if x == y then a else b

As Lee mentioned, there is a bool function in Data.Bool that does the same thing. Also, thanks to Haskell's lazyness, bool someLongComputation something True does not run the long computation..

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madjar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


There is the bool function in Data.Bool:

import Data.Bool
bool b a (x == y)
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Lee Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
