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Javascript use single await in ternary operator

I have a situation I want to use await in a ternary operator. I want to set a value to either a literal value or the resolve value of a promise, depending on a condition. Hopefully the code below will help describe what I want to do, but I am pretty sure it is not correct so consider it pseudo code.

const val = checkCondition ? "literal value" : await promiseGetValue();

Where promiseGetValue() returns a promise which resolves to a literal value. What is the correct way to do this?

like image 872
Max888 Avatar asked May 31 '20 19:05


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1 Answers

The conditional operator expects expressions as operands, and await value is a valid expression.

So, if used inside an async function or in the top-level of a module that supports top-level await (where await is valid), your code is completely valid.

I can't say anything else about that.

like image 51
FZs Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09