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How to mock third party modules with Jest

I've got current import in my test target:

import sharp from 'sharp'

and using it with in my same test target:

return sharp(local_read_file)
    .then(outputBuffer => {

In my test, I'm doing below to mock sharp functions:

jest.mock('sharp', () => {
  raw: jest.fn()
  toBuffer: jest.fn()
  then: jest.fn()

but I'm getting:

  return (0, _sharp2.default)(local_read_file).
TypeError: (0 , _sharp2.default) is not a function

Is there a way we can mock all Sharp module functions using Jest with the function?

like image 862
Passionate Engineer Avatar asked Sep 11 '17 14:09

Passionate Engineer

People also ask

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How do you mock an external function in Jest?

To change the mock implementation of a function with Jest we use the mockImplementation() method of the mocked function. The mockImplementation() method is called with the new implementation as its argument. The new implementation will then be used in place of the previous one when the mock is called.

1 Answers

You need to mock it like this :

jest.mock('sharp', () => () => ({
        raw: () => ({
            toBuffer: () => ({...})

First you need to return function instead of an object, cause you call sharp(local_read_file). This function call will return an object with key raw which holds another function and so on.

To test on the every of your functions was called you need to create a spy for every of the function. As you can't to this in the initial mock call, you can mock it initially with a spy and add the mocks later on:

jest.mock('sharp', () => jest.fn())

import sharp from 'sharp' //this will import the mock

const then = jest.fn() //create mock `then` function
const toBuffer = jest.fn({()=> ({then})) //create mock for `toBuffer` function that will return the `then` function
const raw = jest.fn(()=> ({toBuffer}))//create mock for `raw` function that will return the `toBuffer` function
sharp.mockImplementation(()=> ({raw})) make `sharp` to return the `raw` function
like image 88
Andreas Köberle Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10

Andreas Köberle