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New posts in compiler-construction

Generational GC source code

What's the point of issuing a compiler warning for "while(true)" and not issuing one for "for(;;)"?

CMAKE, Clang and C++v11 on OS X 10.8

direct-coded vs table-driven lexer?

Better type checking on match in Scala

Increase Stack Size on Windows (GCC)

Optimizing Java compiler during a Maven build?

More difficult to build: Emulator or compiler?

Java generics: What is the compiler's issue here? ("no unique maximal instance")

Is it possible to keep an entire array in cpu register

How does a compiler compile a compiler?

Compiling high-level language to machine code

C89 vs c99 GCC compiler

What is the actual relation between assembly, machine code, bytecode, and opcode?

C++ CPU Register Usage

Mac OS App wont run

Why doesn't the C# compiler catch an InvalidCastException [duplicate]

How much of the compiler should we know?


Can a language be turing complete but incomplete in other ways?

Why does the C++ compiler give errors after lines instead of on them?