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New posts in compiler-construction

Why aren't unassigned local variables automatically initialized?

Fastcall GCC example

64 Bit C compiler for Windows 7 [closed]

c compiler-construction

Is "for(;;)" idiom for infinite loop correctly attributed to PDP-11 C compiler?

Why does this code behave differently if optimizing (-O2, -O3) is used?

Is LLVM suitable for parallel languages?

What are synthesized attributes in the context of creating an abstract syntax tree?

What happens to comments after the java files are compiled in Android?

Non-left-recursive PEG grammar for an "expression"

Questions for compiling to LLVM

Why are global variables in x86-64 accessed relative to the instruction pointer?

`Cannot instantiate non-constructior` Closure Compiler warning?

xcode LLVM 5.1 clang error

Why are C++ methods sometimes defined inside classes?

g++ 4.6.1 compiler error: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.cfi_personality'

IL & stack implementation in .net?

Is comeau compiler worth it compared to gcc?

static arrays defined with unspecified size, empty brackets?

Do your javadocs get compiled into your class files?

VB.NET: Boolean from `Nothing` sometimes `false`, sometimes Nullreference-Exception