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New posts in compiler-construction

I need a tree dump option, which doesn't exist any more in current gcc versions

Using javax.tools.ToolProvider from a custom classloader?

Grammar that is LR(1) but not LL(1)

CSharpCodeProvider doesn't return compiler warnings when there are no errors

Linker error (only simulator) with own library after update to iPhone SDK 4.0

Intel icc: how to dump optimized code as C file

How to generate code for AST tree parsed from a fictive language?

Coding in x86 - compiler code generation

compiler-construction x86

C++ and CRTP pattern implementation and compiler dilemma

LLVM IR to Python Compiler [closed]

Obfuscating python bytecode through interpreter mutation

_Alignas for struct members using clang & C11

Does const reference have external linkage in C++?

Compile C# code extension at runtime

c# compiler-construction

java classloader and runtime compilation

MSVC Object Layout Quirk

time complexity trade offs of nfa vs dfa

Detecting underflow during execution

def-use chain in llvm

netbeans 7.0 and scala results in stackoverflow