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New posts in compiler-construction

How create a C compiler without a C native compiler

Is C99 support really still not widespread?

c compiler-construction c99

I'm getting errors (error 2) while building cross compiler toolchain for ARM

Do compilers assume that "this" is not nullptr in debug mode?

Link C in llvmlite

Options for dynamic compilation in Java 5

Using ML in "Real-World" Applications

Visual Studio 2010: COBOL in VS 2010, missing?

Weird generics issue

Should I start targeting Clang / LLVM with my C++ iPhone project?

What does "code motion" mean for "loop-invariant code motion"?


Any Java Bytecode Generation Guide? [closed]

is there any circumstance under which valid C code will not compile properly using g++ [duplicate]

Suitability of D for writing a Tracing JIT Compiler?

Unexpected behavior between [Flags] enum : long vs [Flags] enum : ulong

C++ Forward Declaration Problem when calling Method

Regular expression to match string of 0's and 1's without '011' substring

C++ builder how to configure compiler to output just exe?

Is it possible to manually calculate the byte-offset of a class member?

How do machines interpret binary?