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New posts in compiler-construction

javac treating static final differently based on assignment method

typedef did not replaced with the datatype

How to calculate FIRST sets by hand

C++11 auto, std::function and ambiguous call to overloaded function

why C/C++ compiler not always make ++a atomic?

How do I migrate Ada code from a Sun Solaris 10 to 11 using an APEX compiler

Is there a Ruby .NET Compiler?

Binary compatibility between Linux distributions

Are there compilers that optimise floating point operations for accuracy (as opposed to speed)?

Delphi 6 - Bugs disappear when I compile multiple times

Where does the compiler store methods for C++ classes?

How can I create a language like PHP and how does it work? [closed]

Static inner classes need import for annotations

Unexpected order of evaluation (compiler bug?) [duplicate]

Choosing between template instantiation with pointer arguments

Generating IL for .Net Platform

c# compiler-construction il

LLVM no-op instruction?

Length limit for a variable name in Java [duplicate]

Should I explicitly define the values my enumerated constants

silence -Wparentheses-equality error