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New posts in compiler-construction

gcc options: warning on non-void functions without a return statement

g++ -E option output

How to get the register name from the load instruction in llvm

Should a descendant class' method's variable that is identical to Self, have access to its ancestor's protected methods?

How can a language be interpreted by itself (like Rubinius)?

Encrypting password in compiled C or C++ code

What does back slash "\" really mean?


Why I can't write "implements AClass" in Java?

Compiling Java Generics with Wildcards to C++ Templates

Unknown conversion types in this program I'm meant to compile

Do C++ compilers eliminate assignment duplications?

How should I parse keywords when writing a C Compiler?

Difference between if as an expression and if as a statement

How can I use gcc to compile x86 assembly code on an x64 computer

Your favourite Abstract Syntax Tree optimization

My C++ code runs perfectly on MS C++ compiler but gives me NaN on g++ compiler. Why?

Infinite compilation with templates

Xcode can't create output file, permission denied

Mac OS X Lion has no /Developer/usr folder

System.String does not overload operator += But String Concatenation works, How?