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New posts in compiler-construction

Compiler with built-in AV = No virus development?

Code organization across files that has to deal with template functions and inlining

Visual studio forces to include precompiled header file in all compilation units of the project?

C# Compilation without visual studio

Odd compiler error on if-clause without braces

C++ Performance/memory optimization guidelines

Does a JIT compiler have any disadvantages compared to a traditional compiler? [duplicate]

compiler-construction jit

The type of the conditional expression can not be determined? [duplicate]

What happens if function inlining is too aggressive?

How are backslash escape sequences implemented in compilers?

What decides the sizeof an integer?

Why I need C header files?

g++ doesn't like template method chaining on template var?

is it possible to have a circular dependency between .java and .scala classes?

Why does gcc create redundant assembly code?

Does Java compiler handle inline Strings efficiently?

How are compiled method calls that return a value?

C++: Compiler and Linker functionality

is it best practice to try to remove ALL compiler warnings with any means [closed]

Does JVM generate bytecode or run bytecode?