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New posts in compiler-construction

How can I compile Open CL on Mac OS X 10.6.3?

How do I increment an enum in VS C++ 6.0?

How do I tokenize input using Java's Scanner class and regular expressions?

What is the best script language for Unity3D

How portable is code with #pragma optimize?

Why use integers smaller than 32bit?

Java: Check if a given method name exist in compile time

Is it possible to use Closure Compiler ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS with jQuery?

understanding the need for compilers for different platforms

Why don't compilers generate microinstructions rather than assembly code?

PIC16 C compiler

The conditional operator gets confused, but why? [duplicate]

Compiler optimizations: Where/how can I get a feel for what the payoff is for different optimizations?

Good languages to write a compiler for

Porting Mathematica to Octave

C# Operators and readability

Which is the best practices: MethodReturnsBoolean == true/false OR true/false == MethodReturnsBoolean

Which is the best, standard (and hopefully free) C++ compiler? [closed]

What is the language of compilers? Are they written with different languages?


Weird C Compiler, getting an error "ld: duplicate symbol _main"