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New posts in commit

How detect a Git SHA ID in a text

git commit sha

When to commit NHibernate transactions in ASP.NET MVC 2 application?

Commit message template in TortoiseHG

How to commit batches of inserts in hibernate?

Gerrit workflow - push single commit to topic branch

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Git can't fetch due to a corrupted commit

git commit fetch

Is it possible to filter GitHub REST API events by type?

Google Code: Force comment on commit

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TortoiseSVN error: Working copy path does not exist in repository

Displaying a message to users pre-commit in Tortoise SVN

svn tortoisesvn commit

How do I enforce the 50 character commit summary line in Sublime?

git sublimetext commit

In Git: Why is it good to commit often? [closed]

Know when a line of code was added to a GitHub repository

git github commit

How to define Commitizen adapter when using "npx git-cz"?

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Push to GitHub Repository without Personal Access Token when 2FA is enabled

git github token push commit

Github commits and pull requests

github commit

Database connection settings retrieved from a JNDI connection pool

java jdbc commit jndi pooling

How to move commits to another branch?

git branch push commit

How to delete commits from git on Github and Bitbucket

Display open transactions in MySQL