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New posts in chef-infra

Using Chef/Puppet and managing hand-made changes

chef ruby gem installer failing

Chef client hanging on npm install at node-gyp rebuild

Unit testing a Chef provider

Chef Powershell Run from File

windows chef-infra

How to debug Chef recipe


Chefspec loads libraries repeatedly and gives the warning "already initialized constant CONSTANT"

ruby chef-infra chefspec

Chef-Client tries to install Java on Windows but it is already installed

Using File::read in a provider's default.rb in Chef

Programmatically set EBS Volumes Windows Drive Letters using Terraform, Chef or Powershell

How to set a timeout in deploy_revision provider?


Installing a gem after native extension packages during chef execution

Chef template - Conditionally inserting a block of text

vagrant up issue

chef-infra vagrant

Chef server, install a cookbook that is not from cookbook site


Possible to change gem sources for chef-client?

rubygems chef-infra nexus

How to set/change host name using Chef?

ubuntu chef-infra knife

Chef does non sequential recipe execution

ruby gem chef-infra cookbook

How to add multiple members to a group by chef


chef solo - vagrant build error