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Cookbook not found : Chef Solo

chef-infra cookbook

Access chef data bag in recipe

Install mysql cookbook with Vagrant and Chef Solo

Unable to find Cookbooks in local-mode with chef-client

chef-infra cookbook recipe

chef cookbook fails on ohai undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

Vagrant - how to print Chef's command output to stdout?

chef-infra vagrant cookbook

test-kitchen won't reference local cookbooks

Chef-Client tries to install Java on Windows but it is already installed

Installing a gem after native extension packages during chef execution

Chef does non sequential recipe execution

ruby gem chef-infra cookbook

chef - using recipes from same cookbook

Nginx cookbook v 2.0.0: Cookbook http_gzip_static_module not found

Modifying php.ini setting with chef php cookbook

Chef Ruby loop over attributes in an .erb template file

How to make newly created user as sudo user by using chef

function which allows only name arguments

How do you modularize a Chef recipe?

Extract cookbook name and version during chef-client run

version chef-infra cookbook

Chef cookbook version delete, or update specific version