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New posts in berkshelf

Vagrant: Unknown configuration section 'omnibus' but vagrant-omnibus plugin is installed

Git-bash (Cygwin) and vagrant-berkshelf

switching ruby with rvm breaks chef 11.4.4 knife command

ruby rvm chef-infra berkshelf

How to use Berkshelf to manage Organization repo?

vagrant up error when creating client? chef-stacktrace: OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError: private key needed

How do you mock OpsWorks specific services/dependencies when developing locally with Kitchen and Chef?

Resolve recursive git cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf

chef solo - vagrant build error

Berkshelf cookbooks are not being copied to the Vagrant directory

Provision developer environment with chef server and vagrant without registering node

Nginx cookbook v 2.0.0: Cookbook http_gzip_static_module not found

I have installed chef-dk and started using berkshelf but berks upload failed

chef-infra berkshelf chefdk

Is there a way to use private git repository with Berkshelf

git chef-infra berkshelf

How can I programmatically query Vagrant for its provisioning status?

What exactly does "berks update <cookbook-name>" do?

How to use hand-written cookbooks when using berkshelf in chef?

chef-client cannot find cookbooks using berkshelf

chef-infra berkshelf

Why can't chef resolve my cookbooks?

Vagrant: Network type 'bridged' is invalid. Please use a valid network type

Chef 'cookbook' in Berksfile vs 'depends' in metadata.rb