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New posts in chef-solo

How can I override the Chef node name in vagrant?

Cannot install Rails gem on vagrant virtual CentOS Machine using Chef-Solo

How to view Chef Attributes on a Chef Solo Vagrant Node?

Install mysql cookbook with Vagrant and Chef Solo

Vagrant using Ruby 1.9.3 as default

chef solo - vagrant build error

How to properly use Roles with Chef-solo

chef-infra chef-solo

Berkshelf cookbooks are not being copied to the Vagrant directory

Provision developer environment with chef server and vagrant without registering node

Using Ruby 2.0 on Amazon OpsWorks

How to override Attributes in packer chef solo provisioner

Ruby version for Chef

ruby chef-infra chef-solo

ERROR: Cookbook loaded at path(s) has invalid metadata

"include_recipe" vs. Vagrantfile "chef.add_recipe". What's the difference?

Turn off verbose_logging for single Chef recipes or resources

The apt recipe won't install within my recipe

chef - STDERR: The python_package resource requires pip >= 6.1.0, currently 10.0.0

How to disable cookbook synchronization with chef-client?

Conditionally provision ("vagrant provision") on "vagrant up"

Passing variables between chef resources