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New posts in chef-infra

Chef overriding attributes from another recipe in same cookbook

chef-infra chef-recipe

Chef remote_file from https site with self signed certificate

ssl chef-infra

Chef: Can I share common per-environment run list items?

ruby deployment chef-infra

Chef-solo integration with Capistrano

capistrano chef-infra

Chef passing revision variable to deploy resource

ruby git deployment chef-infra

reloading tire/elasticsearch mappings for a model that already has data stored

Vagrant - how to print Chef's command output to stdout?

chef-infra vagrant cookbook

ChefSpec should not test included recipe

ruby rspec chef-infra chefspec

Chef - Returning a variable from powershell script

powershell-2.0 chef-infra

test-kitchen won't reference local cookbooks

How to disable chef-client run


Resolve recursive git cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf

how can we wire up cluster based softwares using chef?

CHEF - Attempt to use relative path 'foo when current directory is outside the repository path

chef-infra knife

Chef client waiting to finish

client chef-infra

Ansible Tower (AWX) - using secure variables in a playbook?

Chef isn't running the apt (apt-get update) recipe. Apt returns 100

Chef on Vagrant Box: Can't find encrypted data bag secret

chef-infra vagrant

Chef attributes versus data bags

Chef: How do I override default attributes in roles?
