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Ansible Tower (AWX) - using secure variables in a playbook?

Greeting everyone, I've recently started messing with Ansible (in particular Ansible Tower). I ran into an issue using secure values in my playbook, more accurate, I didn't understand how to use it correctly.

Compared to Chef-Infra, you could use data_bags in order to store your secure credentials. You create a data bag:

knife data bag create testDataBag 

You would create a json file for a data bag item:

    "id": "preproduction",
    "user": "user1",
    "password": "this-is-a-password"

Upload it to the Chef server while encrypting it with a secret file (which exists the target server):

knife data bag from file testDataBag .\testDataBag\preproduction.json --secret-file .\secret-file

and then you can use it in your cookbook:

userinfo = data_bag_item('testDataBag', preproduction)
userinfo['user'] # "user1"
userinfo['password'] # "this-is-a-password"

An example use case - configuring the password for a Linux user.

userinfo = data_bag_item('testDataBag', preproduction)
user "#{userinfo['user']}" do
  comment 'A random user'
  home "/home/#{userinfo['user']}"
  shell '/bin/bash'
  password "userinfo['password']"

I know this is a lot of information but I just wanted to show how I'm used to use secure credentials. Back to Ansible, I understood there is an ansible-vault tool which I can used to encrypt a variable file that later can be used in a playbook. Sadly the only examples I've seen (or maybe I just didn't notice) include only running playbooks from the command line which is not something I do.

I have a playbook in my GIT repository which is connected to a project in my Ansible Tower. What do I need to do in order to get to the point I can use a variable which contains the password?

  • Encryption is the same? by using ansible-vault?
  • Where do I store the encrypted files? (Specifically in Ansible Tower)
  • How to store the vault passwords (the one you use to decrypt a vault-id)?
  • How to access them in my playbook?

I've looked into those links but I couldn't find anything interesting:




And in the Ansible Tower documentation there is no explanation on how and where to store your vault-ids.

If anymore information is needed please tell me, I'll update my post.

Thanks everyone!

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Yehonatan G Avatar asked Sep 06 '20 15:09

Yehonatan G

People also ask

How do you pass variables in Ansible Tower?

To pass a value to nodes, use the --extra-vars or -e option while running the Ansible playbook, as seen below. This ensures you avoid accidental running of the playbook against hardcoded hosts.

How do you use tower credentials in playbook?

When you create a credential in ansible tower for users to login, it is of kind "Ansible Tower". The credentials used in playbooks (jobs actually if we are talking about tower) should be of type "machine" or "github", which will give you the proper fields to fill things like keys, passwords, etc.

How do you use Ansible vault variables in playbook?

To run a playbook containing an encrypted string, use the ansible-playbook command, adding the --ask-vault-pass option. In this example, you can ignore the warnings about valid hosts, because you're just testing an example playbook: $ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass ssh-config.

How do I add credentials in Ansible Tower?

Ansible Tower credentials have the following inputs that are required: Ansible Tower Hostname: The base URL or IP address of the other Tower instance to connect to. Username: The username to use to connect to it. Password: The password to use to connect to it.

1 Answers

As far as I know you have two options to achieve this in AWX/Tower, depending on where you want those secrets stored.

  1. Creating a vault within your project/GIT repo
  • Use "ansible-vault create" command and select a password
  • Save the credentials within the vault in yaml format and commit/push the changes to git
  • On your playbook add an include_vars to your vault file and commit/push to git
  • In Tower create a credential, select type=Vault and add the password for your vault
  • On your Tower template add the credential you created earlier
  1. Use a custom credential type (this will not save the creds in git at all, they will just live on Tower/AWX)
  • Create a new custom credential type with an injector configuration type of "extra_vars" and the credentials you want to include as variables in your playbook.
  • Then create a credential based on the new credential type you created in the previous step.
  • Now assign that credential to your template, and those variables will just be available in your playbook run.

Here are the details on how to create a custom credential type


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Kenneth.M Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
