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Disable systemd service only if the package is installed



This is what I have

- name: disable os firewall - firewalld
    name: firewalld
    state: stopped
    enabled: no

This task works fine on hosts where firewalld package is installed but fails on hosts where it is not.

What is the best simple approach to make sure it can handle hosts which do not have firewalld installed? I do not want to use any CMDB as it's an additional setup. Also, I want the task to be idempotent; using a shell command like dpkg or rpm to query if firewalld is installed makes the ansible playbook summary report changes which I do not want.

like image 420
GMaster Avatar asked Oct 27 '17 05:10


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1 Answers

Here is an example using failed_when:. While it does run every time, it ignores the failure if the package is not installed:

- name: Stop and disable chrony service
    name:    chronyd
    enabled: no
    state:   stopped
  register: chronyd_service_result
  failed_when: "chronyd_service_result is failed and 'Could not find the requested service' not in chronyd_service_result.msg"
like image 151
orev Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10
