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New posts in chef-infra

How to install chef-solo

rubygems chef-infra

How to properly use Roles with Chef-solo

chef-infra chef-solo

How to change chef nginx default http port 80?

apache nginx chef-infra

How can I find the disk available in a Chef recipe?


Chef daemon running every 30 minutes


chef can't create cron

cron chef-infra

Use knife to create a new recipe in a cookbook

chef-infra knife

Berkshelf cookbooks are not being copied to the Vagrant directory

Provision developer environment with chef server and vagrant without registering node

Vagrant::Butcher "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified" when trying to "cat /etc/chef/client.pem"

chef-infra vagrant sudo

Mocking Files during a ChefSpec run

rspec chef-infra chefspec

How can a chef LW resource attribute default value refer to another attribute?

ruby chef-infra lwrp

Chef : How to add multiple nodes to a given role

chef-infra chef-recipe

How do I view a recipe on a chef server?

Installing Chef Solo on a windows Server


How I use templates, databags and environments in chef?

chef-infra chef-recipe

Passenger Rails 4 App Startup = Uninitialized Constant ActiveModel::Serializer

httpd is a virtual package provided by multiple packages, you must explicitly select one

apache ubuntu chef-infra

chef error: "LoadError: no such file to load -- win32/open3"


Chef node - check if recipe will run on it, looking inside roles as well