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Injection of @PersistenceContext in CDI-Unit

How to bootstrap weld-se in a JUnit test

java junit cdi weld

Unable to @Inject my DAO in a Custom Apache Shiro AuthorizingRealm

java jsf cdi shiro

Generic CDI producer method not working as expected

java jakarta-ee cdi

JSF, CDI and EJB containers : which combination of them should be used?

jakarta-ee jsf-2 ejb cdi

Implementing @RequestParam in CDI/WELD using Qualifier and InjectionPoint as @HttpParam

java jsf glassfish facelets cdi

@PostConstruct called multiple time for @ConversationScoped bean

When CDI injection into POJO should work? (GlassFish v3)

java glassfish ejb cdi ejb-3.1

Inject PersistenceContext with CDI

CDI doesn't work in a simple adapter

Unable to test CDI ViewScoped beans like we used to test JSF ViewScoped managed bean

@Inject fails to initialize object

CDI constructor injection don't work with transient non-serializable dependencies

CDI : WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies, how to resolve it?