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CDI Injection and serialization

logging cdi code-injection

commandButton click in p:dataTable causes @ViewScoped bean to be re@Produced after application invocation

CDI Instances not found in JAR inside WEB-INF/lib

maven jakarta-ee jsf-2 ejb cdi

How to use CDI into JAX-RS client

Can one suppress the conversation propagation with an `<h:link>`?

jsf jsf-2 cdi

In a CDI Passivation Capable bean, is it possible to have non-passivation capable dependencies be re-injected rather than passivated?

How to use OmniFaces 1.6 in two WARs in one EAR?

jsf jsf-2 cdi ear omnifaces

Seam Faces causes a deploy-time error

java jakarta-ee seam cdi seam3

javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException after redeploying EJBs

CDI/Weld - how to handle browser page refresh after ending conversation?

jsf cdi seam-conversation

Can CDI managed beans and JSF managed beans talk to each other?

Advantage of using JAX-RS 2.0 with CDI/Weld instead of Guice?

java jax-rs guice cdi weld

Injecting a SessionScoped Stateful bean in EntityListener

java glassfish ejb javabeans cdi

Injecting EntityManager with a producer in tomcat

BeanManager on Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 cannot create resource instance

jsf tomcat cdi omnifaces weld

Order of creating @Inject objects

java cdi inject

CDI Eager Application scoped bean

cdi jsf-2.2

How to inject a non-serializable class (like java.util.ResourceBundle) with Weld

CDI Extension for Flyway

cdi ejb-3.1 flyway

@javax.faces.bean.ManagedProperty in CDI @Named bean returns null