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Is Seam3 and Weld CDI the same thing?

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Register CDI interceptor without using beans.xml

jakarta-ee cdi weld

Dependency injection through constructor does not work for EJB bean

How to bootstrap weld-se in a JUnit test

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How to use CDI into JAX-RS client

Advantage of using JAX-RS 2.0 with CDI/Weld instead of Guice?

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BeanManager on Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 cannot create resource instance

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CDI Producer and Injection

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Inject @SessionScoped CDI Bean to @Stateless EJB

WELD-001519 An InjectionTarget implementation is created for an abstract class 'xxx'. It will not be possible to produce instances of this type

jsf glassfish cdi omnifaces weld

Injecting @Dependent CDI bean into EJB causes memory leak

EJB and CDI inject points in @FacesValidator and @FacesConverter fail to work by means of OmniFaces in newer versions of JSF

jsf cdi jsf-2.2 omnifaces weld

CDI session scoped bean not destroyed results in memory leakage

Java CDI: Do interceptors have scope?

java jakarta-ee cdi guice weld

CDI : WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies, how to resolve it?