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New posts in castle-windsor

Castle Windsor - How to map Named instance in constructor injection

c# castle-windsor

Dependency Injection for Handlers and Filters in ASP.NET Web API

Windsor Container: How to force dispose of an object?

Castle Windsor: How to specify a constructor parameter from code?

.net castle-windsor

Castle Windsor - Do I have to release singleton or non-disposable transient objects?

c# castle-windsor

Registering 'half-closed' generic component

Can I Use Typed Factory Facility to Return Implementation Based on (enum) Parameter?

Avoiding Service Locator Antipattern with legacy app not designed for IOC

Castle Windsor Transient Disposables

.net castle-windsor castle

Can you register an existing instance of a type in the Windsor Container?

Castle Windsor or Spring.NET - advantages and disadvantages [closed]

Castle.TypedFactory.DefaultInterfaceFactoryComponentSelector could not be resolved


Why is my Castle Windsor controller factory's GetControllerInstance() being called with a null value?

ASP.NET MVC & Windsor.Castle: working with HttpContext-dependent services

UnitOfWork lifespan in WPF with an IoC Container

Inject App Settings using Windsor

Windsor Container: How to specify a public property should not be filled by the container?

Applying Aspect Oriented Programming

Castle Windsor can't inject an array of interface types

Injecting a dependency into a static class
