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New posts in castle-windsor

Multiple Decorator pattern in castle-windsor

Why use IKernel over IWindsorContainer?

How do I get the current Castle Windsor container?

c# castle-windsor

Check if Windsor has a matching component registered


Castle Windsor IoC in an MVC application

How can I get started with ASP.NET (5) Core and Castle Windsor for Dependency Injection?

Injecting dependency into CustomAttribute using Castle Windsor

How can I unit test my controller to make sure Windsor can resolve dependencies when using PerWebRequestLifestyle

What are "ForwardedTypes" in the context of Castle Windsor component registration?

Castle Windsor passing constructor parameters

What is the constructor resolution order?

How to overwrite a component with castle windsor?

Resolving classes without registering them using Castle Windsor

Dependency Injection and Class Inheritance

Are we using IoC effectively?

Is it ok to register components in Windsor without specifying an interface?

IoC - Multiple implementations support for a single interface

How do I use Windsor to inject dependencies into ActionFilterAttributes

How to integrate IoC Membership provider with ASP.NET MVC

What should be the strategy of unit testing when using IoC?