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New posts in spring.net

How to schedule a job in Quartz that repeats forever?

spring.net quartz.net

Can Spring.Net function as PostSharp?

.net aop spring.net postsharp

Spring.net with NHibernate and the "No Hibernate Session bound to thread error"

Catching runtime exceptions in IoC container

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Injecting dependency into MVC controller with Spring .NET

ASP.NET MVC and Spring.NET

feeding dependencies to a factory class via IoC?

Replace Spring.Net IoC with another Container (e.g. Ninject)

Unable to open database (sqlite) in asp.net mvc3 app using spring.net

Delegates and lambda expressions using Spring.Net

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Connecting To A Private Remote MSMQ Queue

msmq spring.net

At which level should I apply dependency injection? Controller or Domain?

C# and AOP - AOPAlliance (Aspect-oriented programming) how does this work

c# aop spring.net aopalliance

Is there a release date for Spring Framework .Net 2.0?


What's the state of Spring.Net?

Sharp Architecture for Winform apps?

Accessing ConfigurationManager.AppSettings value from Spring.NET xml configuration

How to configure RetryAdvice and ExceptionTranslation for Deadlocks using NHibernate and Spring