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New posts in castle-windsor

Can't create component as it has dependencies to be satisfied

Using Moq with Windsor -- Object of Type Moq.Mock[IFoo] cannot be converted to IFoo

nunit castle-windsor moq

Why is CastleWindsor's BeginScope out of scope?

Logging with Castle.Facilities.Logging and log4net

Using AutoMapper.Profile for creating an instance(non-static) mapper

passing part of constructor parameters to castle windsor container

c# .net castle-windsor

Detecting the cause of a circular dependency in Unity

Where can I find an .xsd file to provide intellisense for Castle Windsor?

Where should I store a reference to my DI container?

ASP Web Api - IoC - Resolve HttpRequestMessage

How can I end a response and send HTTP code 404 back?

What is the difference between Castle Windsor "Container" and "Kernel"?

Castle Windsor: Auto-register types from one assembly that implement interfaces from another

Difference between IWindsorInstaller and AbstractFacility in Castle

.net castle-windsor

Where & How Castle Windsor sets up logging facility

Windsor resolve IEnumerable<IMyType>

Castle Windsor - Why would I not want to use 'NoTrackingReleasePolicy' as default?


Implementing UnitOfWork with Castle.Windsor

Castle Windsor: suppress exceptions thrown by Resolve()

.net castle-windsor

Castle Windsor can't find installers in assemblies