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New posts in calling-convention

Why gcc emits unneeded memory accesses when passing trivial struct by value?

COM calling convention on x64

Is this interface binary compatible between MSVC and mingw?

How are AVX registers handled by the common calling conventions?

C calling convention: who cleans the stack in variadic functions vs normal functions?

In the Win64 ABI, can the reserved argument stack space be used for general purpose storage?

How to tell gcc to not align function parameters on the stack?

What kinds of C++ functions can be placed in a C function pointer?

Function parameter passing in a Linux kernel interrupt handler (from asm to C)

glibc scanf Segmentation faults when called from a function that doesn't align RSP

Why did Microsoft choose stdcall as their API convention?

When to use calling conventions

Acceptability of regular usage of r10 and r11

Where, and why, is the x64 frame pointer supposed to point? (Windows x64 ABI)

Getting calling conventions from DWARF info

calling-convention dwarf

EBP, ESP and stack frame in assembly

What is the point of passing arguments in the reverse order in C?

Why are there so many different calling conventions?

Calling convention on x64 [duplicate]