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New posts in c++14

std::experimental::optional inside constexpr function

boost spirit x3 int32 | double_ fails to parse double

Moving a unique_lock<recursive_mutex> to another thread

how can returning a type instead of a object be valid, misunderstanding a code fragment

c++ boost c++14

What is a generalized lambda capture and why was it created?

c++ lambda c++14

Atomic execution of a statement block

c++ c++11 visual-c++ c++14

static lock_guard with static mutex too?

auto, decltype(auto) and trailing return type

relations between all kinds of initialization and constructions?

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Why does std::get not have a single signature that accepts a forwarding reference

c++ c++11 c++14 c++17 stdtuple

SFINAE to check "template template class" (in template argument) elegantly

polymorphic unique_ptr copy elision

c++ c++14

Passing const unique_ptr reference as parameter

c++ c++11 c++14 smart-pointers

Atomic variable with padding (compiler bug?) [duplicate]

c++ c++14 padding atomic

Generate initializer list of varying size depending on template parameter

DLL exporting causing issues with unique pointers

c++ stl c++14 c++17 dllexport

Explicit match of template template arguments

Template Specialization with Default Value

How to make unique pointers to polymorphic classes using the ternary operator?

How to: Extend C++14 template function to variadic template, arguments