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New posts in c++14

Has the C++1y standard considered to support coroutine/goroutine?

Width to fit any value of an unsigned (natural) number

c++ c++14

Why is my copy assignment operator never called?

Understanding the example on lvalue-to-rvalue conversion

void_t in parameter list works but not as return type

c++ templates c++11 c++14

undefined reference for static constexpr on g++ 4.9 with no optimisation

c++ c++11 gcc c++14

What are the allowed types for an enum (class)?

c++ c++11 c++14

Error on MSVC when trying to declare std::make_unique as friend of my templated class

Checking if class T has member type Member with void_t

c++ templates c++11 c++14 sfinae

C++-14 using enable_if_t to select member function of class templated on integral type

c++ templates c++14 sfinae

Are there cases in which trailing-return-type syntax in lambda cannot be avoided?

Create an array of smart pointers to a class with no default constructor

c++ visual-c++ c++14

Handing over locked std::unique_lock to new threads

SFINAE: Check whether the concatenation of two variadic packs is the same as one pack

Variadic Recursive Template

C++ equivalent of #define for integers

c++ c++14

C++14: How to group variadic inputs by template parameter?

decltype(auto) type deduction: return x vs. return (x)

What is the canonical way to check for approximate zeros in Catch2?

Why std::get does not work with variables?

c++ templates c++14