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New posts in c++14

Why does capturing a variable make the type of a lambda unique? [duplicate]

c++ c++11 lambda c++14

Manually implement structured binding in C++14

c++ c++14

Variadic generic lambda and function overload

c++ c++14

How to write multi-byte values to shared memory in C++14?

Why aren't string literals passed as references to arrays instead of opaque pointers?

c++ string c++11 c++14

Undefined behaviour of right shift (a >> b) when b is greater than the number of bits in a?

Lambda reinitialize vector - why does it work?

c++ lambda c++14

c++14 value initialization issue

c++ c++11 c++14

Conditional static_assert

c++ c++11 c++14

function template: default first template argument to second

c++ templates c++11 types c++14

On the various ways of getting the result type of a function

c++ c++14 typetraits

Types of elements of a tuple view

c++ templates c++11 c++14

`is_trivially_destructible` does not work with inherited class

c++ c++11 visual-c++ c++14

What are the negative consequences of using typedefs in an implementation file to shorten type signatutures?

c++ c++11 enums c++14 typedef

Alternatives to std::function for collection of callables

c++ c++11 templates c++14

What is lambda functions type? C++ [duplicate]

c++ c++11 lambda c++14 decltype

Can constexpr function return pointer of local object?

c++ c++14

Is shifting std::bitset<N> more than N positions undefined behavior?

C++: Passing polymorphic lambda to a function

c++ lambda c++14

Segmentation fault occur while reading content from file in object C++

c++ file file-io c++14 fstream